Frontier Digital Finance Forum
Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, bigdata, blockchain, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things are constantly being applied, driving the integration of digital economy and finance industries, spawning new business models such as NFTs,DEFI, METAFI. These emerging fields existence and development undoubtedly become a variable in the future global economy, which makes it very import for financial reform. The Frontier Digital Finance Forum is a gathering of experts from the financial industry, research institutions, and departments, all coming together to discuss the latest dynamics of the digital economy and finance industry, and aims to predict future developments in this rapidly changing field.
Lawrence Rufrano
Executive Director

Lawrence Rufrano is the Executive Director of the AFTLab. He is a former invest- ment banker and bank regulator with thirty years of experience in the banking industry. While working on Wall Street for major money center banks, he managed over $75 billion of capital markets transactions, includ- ing debt issuances, securitizations, credit derivatives, acquisitions and divestures for the benefit of banks. As a regulator, Lawrence worked for the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC. His tenure lasted from 2006 to 2015. During that time, he worked on strategies with members of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury to respond to the 2008 financial crisis. Subsequent to the financial crisis, Lawrence collaberated with banking regulators at the OCC, CFPB and FDIC as well as with Congressional and White House staff members to write new banking regulations under The Dodd-Frank Act. He focused primarily on the consumer sector as well securitizations, accounting issues and parts of the the Volker Rule. In his current role as an Executive Director, Lawrence focuses on deepening and expanding relation- ships with banks, investment firms and other financial institutions who are members or wish to become members of the AFT Lab. In addition he provides a regulatory and business perspective for students and researchers in the AFT Lab and its members.
Eng. Mohamed Ben-Amor

Engineer Mohamed Ben Amor was elected Secretary-General of the Arab ICT Organiazation(AICTO)at the 11th Gnneral Assembly of AICTO in Hammamet, Tunisia,on 17 Novermber 2015.He took up his post on 1 January ,2016.He holds a Master diploma in International Project Management from the “Consrvatoire National d’Arts et des Metiers”,CNAM-Paris.